Sunday, January 15, 2012

December 2011

Family Update Edition
This past Fall season was the busiest we have had in five years of ministry.  The further distances meant longer hours on the road and in the air.  The increased amount of outreaches (to meet our new goals) meant really late nights and additional travel days for Joel and Ryan. 

Early in December, Joel spoke in New York and New Jersey.  But, thankfully, most of December was spent catching up on much needed family time. 


At almost 3 years old, Joel talks our ears off all day long.  His favorite game this Winter was running around the house in circles (going from room to room) while holding a football and shouting "I'm a football player, tackle me, tackle me!"  This sometimes results in falling and smashing his face or head against something as you can see in the video below.  Around Christmas time, He loved making 'manger scenes' with his toy people.  He would arrange them in a circle and put a small one in the middle and say "Mommy look! It's a manger scene!" Very cute.

Joel has had some intensive training from Daddy in Bible memorization and a Biblical doctrine Q & A that we call "The Penton Catechism."  Here's a great video of a training session.

Judah is making the transition from baby to toddler very well, and it is fun to watch.  He does not have many words for 15 months, but he is incredibly coordinated, and great on his feet. He still finds a way to turn everything into a game.  He loves rythmic grunting to music and flailing his arms singing and dancing.  He is very mellow and even-tempered, though he has an intense passion for eating. He is incredibly resilient and will often laugh when his brother tackles him to the floor or pushes him down.  He follows simple commands, points at things, and raises his arms when he wants to be held.  He loves to crawl up the stairs especially when someone chasing him.  He is a joy.

Thank you so much for being a part of our team.  Please continue to pray for us (see requests on right sidebar). God bless you guys!

Until next month,