Monday, August 15, 2011

July 2011

 Student Leadership Conferences
photo by Sharon Elizabeth Photography

In July, Joel spoke at three student leadership conferences.  These summer conferences give Joel an opportunity to invest in the lives of students from many different high schools all at once. Those students then are able to take what they learn and impact their classmates back home. Joel is sure to let students know that he does most of his speaking for schools in hopes they will relay the message to their principals and potentially book future school assemblies where we can hold outreach events.  Please pray that these conferences would help expand our influence for Christ.

 Gearing Up
Joel and Ryan have been very busy getting ready for the upcoming school year. A flurry of emails and postcards have been going out over the last several weeks to schools all over the country. We are also sending out a copy of Joel's first book, Stand Your Ground, to principals who are interested in learning more about Joel and his presentation.  Each year it is a step of faith to invest so much time and resources into our summer marketing campaign, trusting that schools will respond and fill our calendar. Please pray God will bless our efforts yet again with many opportunities to preach the Gospel to unchurched students.

Message From Joel


I am so excited to report that my second book is finished.  It is called "Seven Lies Almost Every Teen Believes" and the first batch is being printed now. The project took much more time and energy than anticipated but the end result is also much more than we had hoped for. We are praying that God will use the book to win students to Christ as well as help new Christians become grounded in their new walk with God. We will be sending out a more formal announcement about the release of the book soon with information about how we plan to use it and how you can get inexpensive copies for your church and people you know. If you can't wait until then, as of today, the book is available on HERE. Thank you all for your love and support!

God bless,