Welcome Wesley!
Joel and Ryan had a whopping 19 events across 5 states in November, but the most exciting news is about the latest addition the the team.
On November 3rd, The Hollidays' new baby finally arrived! The birth was much anticipated, as Wesley Michael Holliday came a mere 9 days after his due date. Emily said that the birth was much easier than expected. Amazing, especially considering that Wes weighed a rather huge 9 lb 6 oz and measured 22 inches!!!
Emily says that Wes is "an incredible baby." He only cries when he is hungry or has a wet diaper. Praise God for a healthy mom and baby! Please join us in prayer for this new little blessing, for his spiritual and physical health.
Emily says that Wes is "an incredible baby." He only cries when he is hungry or has a wet diaper. Praise God for a healthy mom and baby! Please join us in prayer for this new little blessing, for his spiritual and physical health.
Until Next Month,
Message From Joel
Ryan's new album has been a great tool for our ministry. Along with the album, we partnered with long our long time collaborator, Nathan Lundquist, to make three music videos. We use two of the videos at our concerts to lead up to the time when I present the gospel. Check them out below:
The first song/video we use is called "Blinded." It is all about searching for the Truth in a world that is filled with lies.
The second song/video is called "What We've Done." The song describes how all of us are guilty and without hope based on our own merits.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support!
God Bless,